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SKYLA: third project event in Florence

On 9 and 10 April, SKYLA partners gathered in Florence for their third project event.   Hosted by the Regional Government of Tuscany, associated policy authority withinin SKYLA, on the first day partners were involved in two exchange sessions to deepen the Good Practices for the development of new competences for the twin transition. In...

TREASURE : Kick-off meeting in Livorno

On 3 and 4 April the partners of the TREASURE project met in person for the first time in Livorno to kick-start the exchange activities.   TREASURE is a project funded by the Euro-MED Programme and involves 9 partners representing 7 port areas in the Mediterranean Sea. Their objective is to improve environmental quality in...

Call for proposals on Research & Development in Tuscany

Tuscany Region has just published a call for proposals for Research and Development investments of regional enterprises.   2 main interventions are foreseen depending on enterprises’ dimension (micro, SMEs and Large enterprises) and costs of projects.   Proposals can be submitted from 10:00 a.m. on 24 January 2024 until 16:00 on 22 March 2024.  ...

SKYLA: in Ireland for the second Project Event

On 7 and 8 November, the SKYLA partners met in Swords(Ireland) for the second project meeting, hosted by the Fingal County Council. In the morning of the day 1, partners exchanged interactively throughout a series of presentations and workshops, comparing the policy needs analyses carried out prior to the meeting. The partner regions discussed the...

SKYLA : Kick-off meeting Brussels

On 16 and 17 May, the partners from SKYLA met in Brussels to launch the project with the first meeting in person. SKYLA is funded by the Interreg Europe Programme, and it is implemented by 11 partner from 8 European regions, with the goal to put future skills at the centre of the twin transition...

40Ready : in Florence the project goes out with a bang

On 9 May, partners and stakeholders from all over Europe met in Florence for the final event of the 40Ready project. After 3 years of exchange of experience and 1 year of implementation, aimed to improve regional policies supporting SMEs to engage in industry 4.0 in Tuscany, Helsinki-Uusimaa, Wallonia, Silesia, Navarra, Bucharest-Ilfov and Lithuania, partners...

40Ready In The Flesh!

On 13 October 2021, Resolvo met up with partners of the Interreg Europe project 40Ready in Bucharest (RO) for the second Interregional Workshop (IW). After 2 years with meetings only in virtual mode, the 40Ready representatives finally came together in the flesh. Thanks to our host partner OIR POSDRU Bucharest-Ilfov, the second IW was organised...

An International Symposium on (nano)remediation ends Phase 1 of Project TANIA

On 19-20 December 2019, Resolvo was with the TANIA project partners in Lahti (Finland) for an international symposium on “Novel environmental remediation techniques and policy instruments”. Organised by the Finnish partners from University of Helsinki and Regional Council of Päijät-Häme, the symposium hosted a wide audience of speakers and stakeholders from all over Europe, to...

Ready, steady, go! Final dash for the TANIA project

In the elegant Nancy (FR), on 28-29 May representatives from the 5 participating regions of the TANIA project met to continue the course towards supporting innovative technologies for environmental remediation. During the first morning session, regional stakeholders presented innovative remediation solutions currently being experimented, directed to reclaim contaminated soils and waters. In addition to the...
