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COEUS Towards the Development of Corporate Digital  Responsibility (CDR) Skills: kick-off of activities

The first meeting of the COEUS project took place in the picturesque city of Ljubljana on 17 and 18 June 2024, kicking off the journey into digitalisation and corporate digital responsibility (CDR). Partners from six Central European countries (Italy, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Poland, and Croatia) attended the transnational launch event organised by the project...

40Ready : in Florence the project goes out with a bang

On 9 May, partners and stakeholders from all over Europe met in Florence for the final event of the 40Ready project. After 3 years of exchange of experience and 1 year of implementation, aimed to improve regional policies supporting SMEs to engage in industry 4.0 in Tuscany, Helsinki-Uusimaa, Wallonia, Silesia, Navarra, Bucharest-Ilfov and Lithuania, partners...

Next2Met – from digital to in-person cooperation (finally!)

Next2Met partners managed to organise their first policy learning event in Lahti (FI), just before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. For two years they continued exchange activities from remote, with the aim of identifying successful practices to be transferred to their regions. Resolvo supported them in the entire process, not only as far as...
