Duration: January 2021 – February 2022
Call: R&S 2020 – POR FESR Regione Toscana 2014-20 – Call 2
Priorità: ICT and photonics
Budget: 1,031,554.60 €
STELLA is a Research & Development project co-financed under Tuscany ERDF ROP 2014 – 2020 – POR-CReO FESR 2014 – 2020 Research And Development – Call 2 – 2020.
Objective of the project
STELLA involves the development of a prototype system for the detection and processing of agronomic interest elevators, at a spatial and temporal parameter resolution scale that is not possible, i.e. intermediate between the acquisition with point sensors and the usual remote sensing technologies (satellites, drones), thus filling an operational area uncovered today.
The STELLA system will consist of a photonic detector of radioactive isotopes, integrated into an ICT platform for data processing and presentation to support agriculture.
The role of Resolvo
Resolvo provides support to the partners in the project financial management.
The project partners are: Netsens Srl (lead partner), Copernico Srl, Geoexplorer Impresa Sociale Srl, the Geotechnology Center of the University of Siena and the Interdepartmental Center for Microsystems Technologies for Quality and Environmental Safety (CITMQSA) of the University of Florence.