Duration: August 2019 – July 2023
Call: Interreg Europe 2014-2020
4° call
Priority axis: 2 – SMEs competitiveness
Budget: 1,430,341.00 €
Website: https://projects2014-2020.interregeurope.eu/40ready/
The 40 Ready project has been funded by the fourth Interreg Europe call. It is going to start the 1st August 2019 and it will last 3.5 years.
The project’s Lead Partner is the Agency for the development of the Empolese Valdelsa (ASEV) and the other 7 partners are from:
Objective of the project
Industry 4.0 (I4.0) is taking off across Europe. Regions are keen to ensure that their strategies are coherent with this new line of integrated, digital development. They must also ensure that SMEs, the heart and soul of regional economies, are involved and that they benefit from it. This is not only technological R&D. It is about cultural mind-set, preparation and qualifications.
40Ready promotes cooperation at interregional level to reach an overall aim: to prepare SMEs for the I4.0 revolution. With SMEs, we refer to entrepreneurs, owners, managers and staff at all levels, who need to become ready to take on the new challenges of I4.0.European social funding (ESF) can support vocational and professional capacity building, while the European regional development funding (ERDF) can support technological, organisational and skill development. 40Ready develops Action Plans, with proposals on how ESF/ERDF policies can better support SMEs in preparing for I4.0.
40READY regions will become better placed for a successful, durable and profitable application of 4.0 Industry. They will support their SMEs to become more competitive, maintaining and creating more and better jobs.
The role of Resolvo
Resolvo supported ASEV in the preparation of the successful project application. Resolvo supports the Lead Partner in project management and in methodological project development.