Workshop LIFE+IMAGINE project

Local Workshop, Florence, 18th March 2016

Environmental policies and technological tools for knowledge
Florence, 18 March 2016
9.15 – 13.30
Sant’Apollonia – Via San Gallo, 25

The workshop will be focused on the results achieved within the project LIFE+IMAGINE, who implemented an infrastructure based on web services for environmental analysis with the goal of providing information to support the coastal planning and the decision makers in some pilot sites in Liguria and Tuscany, in reference to the two project scenarios: landslides and soil consumption in coastal zones.

Among the speakers: Bernardo Gozzini – Consorzio LaMMA, Federica Fratoni – Regione Toscana, Mauro Grassi – Responsabile “Italia Sicura”, Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, Bernardo De Bernardinis – Presidente ISPRA, Giovanni Massini – Regione Toscana.

Resolvo supports the Consorzio Lamma for the event organisation.


