REC4EU: 2nd project meeting in Spain

REC4EU partners met in Granada (Spain) for their 2nd project meeting. After working on their territorial analysis, this meeting represented an opportunity to move forward with the interregional exchange process.

Resolvo adapted a coaching methodology to project purposes. The aim was to understand and share partners’ objectives, territorial situations and policy change options. Partners interacted in small groups to answer a set of common questions and presented their good practices to the others. Difficult to find a hotter topic than Renewable energy communities (RECs) on the energy agenda, these days!

Part of the meeting was dedicated to experiencing first hand an existing Renewable Energy Community and to understanding how the Province of Granada is involved in the process of supporting REC creation. Partners visited the Monachil River Energy Community and the Granada Community Transformation Offices. A lot of food for thoughts to be shared with stakeholders, once partners get home. First, the need to proactively engage citizens, who are not experts in issues related to sustainability and energy transition.