July 16, 2015by Miriam Siciliano

n0e-sport partners meet in Vukovar (Croatia)

Partners gathered in Vukovar (Croatia) for the 4th meeting of the n0e-sport project (7-8 July 2015).

Core focus of the event is the preparation work for the starting of the pilot phase, which will see several sport facilities chosen by partners in each of the 7 EU countries (Italy, Portugal, Netherlands, Denmark, Cyprus, Croatia and UK) involved in application and implementation of energy efficiency measures for the next year.
A press conference with local TV was organised. Partners also had the chance to visit 2 of the sport facilities chosen as pilot area for the City of Vukovar.

Resolvo supports Agenzia Fiorentina per l’Energia (AFE, Italy) in project management and coordination.

For more information please contact info@n0esport.eu
