iSLe – intelligent Semantic Liquid edubook

iSLe – intelligent Semantic Liquid edubook

Resolvo is in charge of financial management activities of SEMPLICE, an R&D project, co-financed by Tuscany Region under the programme POR CReO FESR 2007/2013 – Bando Unico R&S 2012.
The project aims to rethink the processes of creation, use and distribution of educational contents for mobile platform, web and off-line through the creation of a new kind of e-book for teaching (liquid Edubook). Liquid eduBook can be molded in order to fit the training needs of the users by using interactive learning techniques able to connect both explicit (cognitive learning, social and educational) and implicit (meta-cognitive, affective and conative) methodologies.
For more information please visit the project official website – iSLe.
Within the project Resolvo coordinates financial activities in order to guarantee a smooth and efficient reporting of project expenditures within the deadlines foreseen. Resolvo supports project coordinator META Srl and partners 01Servizi Srl and Viditrust Srl in the preparation of a detailed financial report through: reporting documents preparation, checking of expenditures and documents, upload and submission on the regional online reporting system, evaluation of possible project changes and support in the preparation of official documents needed.
