Duration: July 2017 – June 2020
Call: Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE 2014-20
2° call
Priority axis: 1 – Research and innovation
Budget: 1,790,593.43 €
Website: https://programme2014-20.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/ROSIE.html
ROSIE- Responsible and Innovative SMEs in Central Europe – is a project funded by the Interreg Central Europe Programme.
It promotes responsible innovation principles and tools. ROSIE is coordinated by … and reunites 11 partners and 5 Associate partners from:
Czech Republic
Objective of the project
They will work together to bring SMEs closer to the tools and opportunities of Responsible Innovation. The project will include knowledge exchange, capacity building, stakeholder collaboration and pilot actions with innovative SMEs.
The role the Resolvo
Resolvo supports the project coordinator, CISE – Special Agency of the Chamber of Commerce of Romagna – Forlì – Cesena – Rimini, in project management. Activities include: planning and monitoring of activities, internal management and communication procedures, organisation of meetings, technical and financial reporting, planning and supervision of events, contribution to project content.
Resolvo also supported CISE in the preparation of the project application.