Duration: 01 February2024 – 31 January 2026
Call: HORIZON-EUSPA-2022-SPACE-02-61
Sector: Space
Budget: 1,499,992.50 €
Website: https://www.gextrecs.space/

GEXTRECS – GOVSATCOM Extreme Events Crisis Management Service – is a project on the definition and demonstration of an End-to-End GOVSATCOM service supporting crisis management financed by the European Union within the Horizon Europe Programme. GEXTRECS started on 1st February 2024 and will close in January 2026.
GEXTRECS gathers 8 partners, coordinated by GMV, coming from:
Objective of the project
GEXTRECS will build a Proof of Concept (POC) for an integrated EU GOVSATCOM Crisis Management Service Pack tailored to extreme events of nature or human origin, with impact on civil emergency or security either on a cross-border (Poland-German-Czech Republic) land scenario or in a maritime (Mediterranean Sea) emergency.
The role of Resolvo
Resolvo takes part in the activities carried out within WP 1 – Coordination and Management as Task Leader for Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). To ensure that the RRI approach is aligned with End-Users’ expectations, Resolvo is also in involved in WP 2 – End-Users Detailed Requirements and High Level Service Architecture and WP 5 – Demonstrations Preparation, Execution and Assessment. Resolvo also takes part in the activities carried out within WP 6 – Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation.