VEALS Project

The project, undertaken between 2012 and 2013 by T.T.Teconosistemi SpA (Prato), with the support of the Foundation for Research and Innovation, has proposed the implementation of a device that can periodically monitor the ozone level, the amount of fine particles and the presence of volatile organic compounds (VOC ) in the proximity of printers.
The system VEALS consists of a device (sensor node) that will be installed next to the printer and monitor and transmit the levels of ozone, particulate matter and volatile organic compounds to a web server.

In particular, the project has achieved the following objectives:
– Sample the emissions generated by printers, with and without, in order to identify and quantify both the type of particulate, both the chemical species produced;
– Assess the emissions sampled during the first phase in order to correlate the presence and concentrations of potential risks to human health;
– Identify sensors suitable for monitoring chemical species identified in the previous activity and possible conceptual definition of the implementation of the same on the printers;
– Complete the stage of design and process innovation in order, subsequently, to make a prototype.

The project was cofunded by POR CReO ERDF 2007-2013.

Resolvo supported Tecnosistemi during the preparation of the application and during the administrative and financial management of the project.

Photo by Bank Phrom on Unsplash