Duration: 01 January 2020 – 30 June 2023
Call: Horizon Europe – SU-SPACE-23-SEC-2019
Sector: Space
Budget: 2,114,725.00€ (total project)
Website: https://www.neorocks.eu/

Resolvo is a partner in the research project NEOROCKS – The NEO Rapid Observation, Characterization and Key Simulations. NEOROCKS is co-financed by the H2020 programme, under the SPACE Topic.
NEOROCKS officially started on 01 January 2020 and lasts for 30 months. The project, coordinated by INAF – Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, brings together 14 partners from 7 countries:
Czech Republic
Objective of the project
NEOROCKS improves knowledge on physical characterisation of Near Earth Objects (NEOs) for planetary defence. The project faces challenges related to the understanding of their physical properties and to planetary defence, given the increasing NEO discovery rate and the trend of NEO discoveries dominated by small-size objects near the Earth, capable to produce damage in case of impact. Among these, are “imminent impactors”, those asteroids discovered while in route of collision with the Earth and thus with short warning times. NEOROCKS will optimise observational activities, enhance modelling and simulation tools, foster international coordination and speed-up response times.
The role of Resolvo
Within the project, Resolvo is involved in communication and dissemination, as leader of the WP “Education and outreach” and supports the coordinator in project management activities.