RESOLVO FFW – Strumento PMI per Biotecnologie e Spazio

Sei una PMI e lavori nel settore delle biotecnologie o dello Spazio?

L’Europa può supportare la tua idea di successo con due diversi bandi sul tema:

Specific Challenge: The large numbers of SMEs characterising the EU industrial biotechnology sector are playing a crucial role in the move to competitive and sustainable biotechnology-based processes. These SMEs are characterised by their research intensity and long lead times between early technological development and market introduction. They therefore need to be supported to overcome the so-called “valley of death”. SMEs working in the field of industrial biotechnology and ideas/concepts involving the use of systems and/or synthetic biology are particularly invited to apply for funding.

Specific Challenge: To engage small and medium enterprises in space research and development, especially those not traditionally involved in it and reduce as much as possible the entry barriers to SMEs for Horizon 2020 funding. The actions under this topic could cover any aspect of the Specific Programme for Space (Horizon 2020 Framework programme and Specific programme). However, it is considered that actions in the areas of applications, especially in connection to the flagship programmes Galileo and Copernicus, spinning-in (i.e. application of terrestrial solutions to challenges in space) and the development of certain critical technologies could be adequately suited for this call.

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Prenota il tuo appuntamento e vieni a trovarci a WeWork Devonshire Square – Londra dal 4 all’8 luglio per la RESOLVO Free Feasibility Week.