August 8, 2014by Giuseppe Ciarliero

2014 European Mobility Week

Since 2002 the European Mobility Week is the occasion to organise events in order to propose new strategies for european transportation sector which might increase citizens health and their life quality. The campaign represent the perfect opportunity for presenting to citizens which are the sustainable alternatives for mobility and for explaining the challenges faced by cities daily.

Each edition have a particular focus concerning the sustainable mobility topic and local governments organise activitieS for citizens about this issues. Moreover, local government are invited to promote long term strategy to implement measures sustainig the prioriry of the year.

The 2014 slogan “Our Streets, Our Choice” wants to sensibilise citizens about the relations among their mobility choices, traffic congestion and pollution.

The 2014 edition will take place from 16-22 September and culminates in the  “In Town Without My Car!” event, engaging tendi os cities and millions of people.


For more info please visit:

European mobility week web site

Italian Ministry for the Environemtn: Campaign web page