Breaking news from Tuscany Region: compulsory internships within RDI projects and vouchers for microprojects

Two important news just announced by Tuscany Region within the article published as a reminder of the deadlines for submission of first phase (main project idea) of call for proposals for research, development and innovation projects.

The first news refers to the same call and informs that financed projects are obliged to foresee at least one internship within the project lifetime, otherwise they would incur a cut of 10% from the contribution received.

The second news is related to the new tools foreseen with the ROP 2014-2020 for innovation in regional enterprises: the possibility of obtaining a contribution in the form of vouchers for microprojects in the range of 20.000 and 50.000 euro.

While waiting for further information and official documents, it is possible to consult the article HERE.
