July 21, 2017by Sara Banchi

AURORA – 3° project meeting

AURORA (H2020) partners met in Athens for their 3rd project meeting. The first day was dedicated to a workshop focused on exploitation in the framework of the European Common Exploitation Booster.

The following days were dedicated to exchange focusing on scientific aspects and including presentations on data simulation, data fusion, data assimilation and validation of the outputs. Technological aspects were tackled as well with presentations on the data processing chain (DPC).

An interesting session was dedicated to identifying: AURORA added value, limitations that can be mitigated and limitations on which the project has not control. This was done considering the 3 objectives of the project (science, technology and application), thus fostering a better common understanding of strengths and weaknesses among partners with a different background.

Partners started working on a Call for Ideas to be launched next year in order to involve students performing research with satellite data in Europe.
